A Mantra of Mutual Interdependence

A Mantra of Mutual Interdependence

Meditation for October 3, 2021

October 3, 2021 7:00 AM

“Meditate often on the interconnectedness and mutual interdependence of all things in the universe. For in a sense, all things are mutually woven together and therefore have an affinity for each other — for one thing follows after another according to their tension of movement, their sympathetic stirrings, and the unity of all substance.”

- Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 6.38

We should always consider how connected our lives are to family, friends, strangers, animals, and the world in general.

Our lack of empathy for our fellow human beings is cruelty. Gluttony can result in the needless death of many animals. Attempts to expand our influence on foreign countries can exacerbate third-world conditions.


Take a moment each day to remember just how vital all of our roles in this world are. How we handle our cattle, farms,
neighbors, and family affects us directly, for we are all woven together into one world.