Stoic Joy

Stoic Joy

Meditation for July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021 7:00 AM

“Trust me, real joy is a serious thing. Do you think someone can, in the charming expression, blithely dismiss death with an easy disposition? Or swing open the door to poverty, keep pleasures in check, or meditate on the endurance of suffering? The one who is comfortable with turning these thoughts over is truly full of joy, but hardly cheerful. It's exactly such a joy that I would wish for you to possess, for it will never run dry once you've laid claim to its source.”

- Seneca, Moral Letters, 23.4

The authors of "The Daily Stoic" point out that many of us confuse joy and cheer. Our cheer is visible with smiles, laughs, and friendly interactions.

Joy is deep contentment. It is the flame that warms our soul.


We can confidently welcome each day with joy, prepared for any adversity. This attribute allows us to be an energy and influence to those around us. Finding our mission and duty in life can be followed by joy.